Balarka Management & Money  Matterrs  is offering partner opportunities in every city all over the India and inviting partners to join hands to deliver services in a cooperative team work.

You can choose to become Franchise partner or Authorized Consultant based on your interest, Investment and business involvement.

Terms and condition for franchise partner :

a. We will provide 1 or 2 franchises for single city but the population of city must be 10 lacs or more than 10 lacs.
b. Any post graduate, graduate, non graduate or any employee can be preferred for the franchise partner.
c. Pan card, Residential address Proof, Shop act license will be required to take franchise.(Rent agreement or Business address proof).
d. You have to invest minimum deposit to hire franchise.
e. Minimum 150 sqft space required for the office, that should be located in ground or 1st floor in main city.
f. If it is rented property we want legal agreement of that property with your land lord.
g. Branding, Software and Required stationary will be provided by company.
h. Promotions of company through: TV, Print Media (Newspaper, Flayers, Banners etc),Social Media will be Execute  by the company.
i. To operate franchise 1 Manager , 2 Coordinator and 2 executive will required.
j. Meeting, Training and Seminar will conduct once in month at Main Branch or at Sub Branch.
k. Franchise owner can also participate for executing the company work or he can work as a Administrator.

Authorized Consultant:

a. Any graduate or non graduate person with zero investment can be worked as Authorized consultant.
b. Authorized consultant can be worked from any location under the sub branch and main branch.
c . Authorized consultant must have to do agreement with company.